lake effect

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lake effect

The effect of any lake, especially the Great Lakes, in modifying the weather in nearby areas.

lake′-ef·fect′ adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
This is followed by an examination of the lake effect, although only for the Great Salt Lake.
But unlike a typical winter storm, the snow caused by the "lake effect'' was not felt equally across the region.
Here the cold air has picked up moisture and destabilized, producing shallow stratocumulus and cumulus towers that often produce rain and "lake effect" snow.
As the new laws lake effect in the next few years, many landlords will begin to comply well before the deadline especially since there are economic incentives that kick in earlier.
Utah's snow benefits from what is called the Lake Effect. Storms sweep across from the Pacific, the Nevada desert shrinks the droplets then rising air from the Salt Lake gives it all a turbo boost before it hits the mountains.
If you need an animal behaviorist, why not try the lesbian-owned Lake Effect Dogs (
The four-band line-up is completed by Coventry's Lake Effect.
of lake effect snow is in dawns early light about five inches, the plows not out, the
No significant effects of perch size on diets were found, possibly because a limited size range (120-200 mm) of perch dominated the catches in one or several lakes at most sampling dates (two-way ANOVA, size effect, size x lake effect, [F.sub.1-2,4-6] = 0.87-2.65, P [greater than] 0.1 in all cases).
Part IV: Lake effect snow," Weather and Forecasting, vol.
"The Joys of Lake Effect" (April 2006 IFR) was a good, thought-provoking article as usual, and I have a couple of things to ponder from your "Flying Through the Snow" sidebar.